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Our Mission Statement and Mandate:
Geekenders Performing Arts Society. is committed to creating a safe and diverse community which is free from bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
Geekenders Performing Arts Society is, first and foremost, focused on community; we are committed to contributing to, and advocating for, a more equitable and engaging performing arts community.
We aim to create quirky, unique, and interesting art and entertainment which attracts and benefits a broad range of audiences, both across the West Coast and beyond. Our productions are varied and each event or production has a different audience to which it may appeal.
As a whole, our work is intended to involve and engage with an inclusive range of ages, interests, and cultures.
We strive to ensure that peoples of all different backgrounds, bodies, sexualities, genders, and ethnicities are elevated and featured in all of our works, and we work to provide space for those with varying degrees of disability the room to explore their own relationships to culture, movement, expression, and performing arts in general.
We are a feminist group that is passionate about 2SLGBTQIA+ rights and representation. We strive to ensure that everyone who attends or participates in one of our events or performances feels safe, comfortable, and welcome.
All members of the Geekenders community have the responsibility to respect the rights of others.All Individuals are expected at all times to:
All Individuals are expected at all times to:
Treat one another, and the public, with dignity, respect and hospitality;
Act with honesty, integrity and professionalism;
Avoid conflicts of interest
Conduct themselves in a manner that is in the best traditions of Geekenders, reflects positively on the Society public image, and fully supports the Society mission and mandate.
All individuals working with Geekenders have a right to a safe and respectful workplace free from harassment, bullying, and violence.
The consent, comfort, and safety of our Employees, Performers, and Volunteers is an absolute priority.
Contact for further information.
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